FATHOM: The Body as Universe

Junko Chodos
Art and Ideas

Junko's Writings
Selected Works
About Junko
FATHOM: The Body as Universe, a collaboration of original choreography, music, and art, will premiere May 12th through 21st, 2006, at the Stephen and Mary Birch North Park Theater, in San Diego. The production has been developed by the choreographer, John Malashock, Director of MalashockDance in San Diego, and the original music is composed by Ariel Blumenthal.

Dancers on Stage with "The Sorcerer Entering His Forest"
Four background panels: 12' high x 3.5' wide; Three Foreground Panels: 10' high x 3.5' wide

Junko has created a spectacular set of forty giant mylar panels to serve as the visual backdrops for the dance. Grouped into foreground/background works, these mylars are based on scenes from the life of Kuukai, the 9th Century Japanese priest who journeyed to ancient Chang'An to study Esoteric Buddhism, and then brought it back to Japan where he integrated it with the native Shinto religion.The series includes forest scenes and evocations of Kuukai's early youth as a sorcerer; an ocean voyage scene evoking his spiritual quest and journey to China; a view of ancient Chang'An; a Tantric dance scene; and a series of mandalas.

The FATHOM pieces are 10' and 12' high and are collages of computer prints layered onto mylar. Hanging on the stage under the imaginative theatrical lighting designed by Jen Setlow, they are breathtaking.